I'm back!! It's not that I haven't been creating, I just haven't been posting. I started teaching two art classes at Arts Umbrella studio in Bothell. I have young ones, K-6th grade. It's so much fun and really feeds my soul. I also started subbing in the school district mostly working with low function students in the CLC. That being said, I haven't had a lot of time to blog. I do however, have quite the stock pile of photos of work that I have done.
Seashell Mirror
I love collecting seashells. I'm pretty sure I was a mermaid in a past life. My grandparents loved collecting them too, and I have a good portion of their shells. It's something that you can do for free, or spend a little money on. I like to think of shells as works of art from other creatures that we share this world with. I'm fascinated with the spirals and how they all go in the same direction. I love the colors, textures, and the fact that you collect them all over the world. Iridescent is the best. Grandma Seyler used to say "iridester is bester". See it's in my blood!
My husband grew up in a Marine Corps family and lived in Guam and Cuba for a bit. He brought quite a collection into our family from his childhood. About 8 years ago he was diagnosed with Multiple Myloma, a red blood cell cancer that usually attacked much older adults. Together we went on a journey through the wicked world of radiation, chemo, and stem cell transplants. During that time he would spend many hours in our bedroom recovering. I decided to spruce it up, as it was the last room in the house to be decorated. Along with new bedding and curtains, I came to the idea that I would create a "Cancer" mirror. Something to represent this trying time and to uplift the spirits of the dreary bedroom. We had collected shells as a family for years, beach-combing with our three young children. We also had all those beauties from his childhood, and my sister brought me treasures from the beach by her work. What I didn't have I purchased at the local craft store for some continuity. I had quite a collection to work with.

It started by ordering a door from Home Depot that already had a mirror attached. I then laid it out on our dining room table and proceeded to layout the shells around it, focusing designs on the lower and upper bits. Everything was then permanently attached with Liquid Nails until it was completely covered. (toxic mind you). It took me four days, with lots of fresh air breaks. Luckily the room is surrounded by windows, but still, I may of lost some brain cells in the process. We had oyster shells that I turned sideways and used as candle holders. I bought some little mother of pearl hearts to randomly place along the sides, and also decided to put in a creature of the mirror for luck.
Creature of the mirror. Can you see him? |
Detail on the bottom of the mirror |
Detail on the top. The blue limpets are all color on the inside so I showed that side. |
Curio Cabinet
My very good friend and second mother, gave me this lovely curio cabinet this summer. It belonged to her mother for 25 years and then she owned it for 15 more. She thought I could do something wonderful with it, and suggested seashells. I pondered painting the whole thing ultra glossy turquoise and modernizing it, but decided to take her advise and do another seashell project.
This time my shell collection was considerably smaller. I did use shells collected from each of my three boys, and I used a few of my Grandfathers that he found in the Pacific during WWII. I purchased the majority of shells from Hobby Lobby. This time I couldn't lay the cabinet flat, so I used a hot glue gun. Next summer I'm going to take it outside and weave Liquid Nails around the shells for extra hold. I should of used both first time around. The hot glue is study and very difficult remove, but none the less I want it to last and be as strong as possible.
Key detail
Leg detail. It's my favorite part of the cabinet. They look like octopus to me and are my creatures of the cabinet. |
Bottom detail
Top detail, which is just beautiful! |
Looks stunning in my entry hallway.
Added bonus...It gave me a spot to display all my bird nests, seashells, rocks, and other natural treasures.